The Immigration Debate
Notice that I say Mexicans and not immigrants. On Fox News and NPR you will hear the word immigrant bandied about, but this is, in actuality, a code. When Fox news talks abut immigrants, they aren't referring to Mr. Gopal who is the engineer at my factory, or my Italian chemist friend, or the lily-white Irish construction workers who are constructing NYC one girder at a time. They are really talking about Mexicans. And occasionally about other Hispanics- But mostly Mexicans. Actually, lets be really honest; when we say Mexican, we are of course referring to anyone who speaks Spanish and is from somewhere south of
It may surprise some of you, but Hispanics come in many varieties. For an in-depth exposition, take a look at what El Guapo has to say about it.
We prefer our immigrants from countries that end in "-land." That is,
Any society that produces such an abomination (Swedenland in this case) ought to have its citizens permanently barred not only from immigrating to, but from even setting foot on the sacred soil of the New Jerusalem that we have constructed here amongst the savages (by New Jerusalem I mean Jersey City, and savages refers, as always, to people from Connecticut). It's bad enough to make me listen to country music, but to mix it with techno is a provocation that cannot be ignored. Why has our fearless leader not placed these folks in the axis of evil?
This sudden appearance of large cohorts of Mexicans (excuse me, immigrants) would not have been so bad, except, according to an inexorable natural law which is hard to describe in discrete mathematical terms, yet inexorable none the less, the existence of a concentration of Mexicans tends to cause the spontaneous generation of Taquerias. I, for one, have no problem with taquerias, except in that the ones here usually suck. Here's a key- if you ask the guy at a Taqueria what an Antojito is, and he doesn't know, run, run for your life.
Taqueria concentrations aren't necessarily such a bad thing to middle America, at least when they are unobtrusive in the same way that the folks who pick your fruit, mow your lawn, and take care of your little middle American babies for non-union wages are unobtrusive. But when taquerias get to close to Presbyterian churches in places like
We are awash, my friend- Americans are tenuously clinging to a life raft of mom and apple pie dangerously awash upon a sea of job-seeking terrorist samba-dancing foreigners.
the fact of the matter is that this is an immigrant nation. We are all immigrants, or descendants of immigrants. Or descendants of indentured servants or descendants of chattel slaves brought here, strangely enough, to do back breaking agricultural work for wages even lower than those of illegal immigrants. Or occasionally descendents of Melungeons. And almost all of us are descendants of folks who got here in questionable ways- either by getting off a boat and swindling some natives out of prime Manhattan real estate (how's that for legal immigration), or chained up in the hold of a slave ship, or packed into steerage class on a tramp steamer, very few immigrant stories are nice and tidy. In fact, I would say that, until the advent of cheap air travel, which would be the seventies, most immigrant trips were made in desperate conditions and for desperate reasons. Up until recently, a trip to
Nativist Americans today remind me of the hordes of pompous scum in
So I can't fault folks for going over a fence, or under a wire, or doing whatever it is they have to do to get here. Of course I don't like the fact that our borders leak like a TJ hooker. If Armando from
The borders are leaky because we want them that way. We say we support American Workers, but we aren't willing to bay $5 per lb. for apples, or $25,000 a year for child care. Last week I was in
H1B or not H1B, that is the question...
We say we want folks to go the "legal" immigration route, rather than the illegal one. Of course, the folks that say this have never had to deal with the INS in any way shape or form. I was lucky enough to win the genetic lottery and be born in this, the greatest of all countries. But my bebezinho was less fortunate, and was born in
We don't want people to speak Spanish instead of English, but we make nothing available to help them learn English
Mexicans are not here to be dirty, or corrupt, or lazy, or shiftless, or to remain a permanent underclass. These are precisely the things they are running away from. I understand that the law is the law, and must be obeyed. Having been an expat for a few years myself, I know what its like to live in a place with no rule of law. It's an awful thing to be at the total mercy of a vindictive and powerful state that will humiliate, exploit, or steal from you at their whim. Few Americans appreciate how this feels, unless they have had to request something from the INS. In theory, I am against illegal immigration.
In practice, how do you look an honest, hardworking, ambitious person in the eye and say, "No, this American Dream, it is not for you. It is only for me."
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great post!
of course, "we" can't be outnumbered by hispanics, either -- did you see this, by any chance?
i heard about it on the daily show a week or two ago
Would you extend the same courtesy to others who don't want to be cut off from their culture and family, say, for example, those preaching at Finsbury Mosque?
Sorry, cheapshot. Those guys are there legally.
Bottom line- No nation can allow completely unfettered immigration and expect to "keep" the nation that they have- Do current citizens not have that right? Do they not, at the very least, have the right to determine the future of their own country?
Because basically you're telling them that they can't, or shouldn't. Anyone who wants to come can come. By that logic, we should allow all the Islamists in the world to come here & vote up Sharia. Would it be churlish of American citizens to resist that?
The fact is the American people have decided that immigration SHALL BE controlled- But our elected officials simply choose not to enforce the laws. If truly the American people want free borders, let them vote for it. This is a democracy. What is happening today is as undemocratic as it comes.
Apparently, Guapito, fails to understand the concept of "satire."
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